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Plan an Exhibition in Your Community

Carrying the Church Bell Over the Mountain to San Pedro

Vicenta Puzúl de González 

We'll be happy to help you!

Wondering what it will take to bring an exhibition to your community?  We can provide tips for college students, library and museum curators, and other community members who would like to organize an exhibition. The Helen Moran Collection is not-for-profit, and we will be happy to help you in any way we can!

An exhibit of contemporary indigenous art will have great multicultural, interdisciplinary appeal on campus, and in libraries and community centers.


Share these artists' unique visions of living Maya culture and 
educate your community about their struggles by exhibiting
Maya paintings at your local college, library, or museum. 

Beautiful, handwoven Maya blouses, called huipiles, are also available for display.

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Maya Woman

The Helen Moran Collection

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