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About the Exhibition


Carrying the Church Bell Over the Mountain to San Pedro

Vicenta Puzul de González

The Helen Moran Collection

This is a jointly sponsored exhibition by Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection and Arte Maya Tz'utuhil.

  • Curation Team

  • Acknowledgements

  • Bring this Exhibition to Your Community

  • Copyrights

  • Bibliography

Curation Team

K'ojol Bal'm   K'iche' Maya spiritual guide K'ojol B'alm (Francisco Icala) performs rituals for communities in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. He is a well known poet who grew up in Santo Tomás Chichicastenango, Quiche, Guatemala, and works in the U.S. District Court nationwide as an interpreter for the K'iche' Maya language, enabling immigrants to exercise their rights.  He studied at City College of San Francisco. Reach him at:
Rita E. Moran  Director of the Helen Moran Collection, Ms. Moran is a lifelong activist for social justice.  She created the Collection in 2007 to promote dignity and human rights for indigenous and Latina women, indigenous peoples of Latin America, and undocumented immigrants to the United States.  She earned her MA at San Francisco State University, and for many years taught English to immigrants at City College of San Francisco.
Joseph Johnston  Director of Arte Maya Tz’utuhil, Mr. Johnston has been assisting the indigenous artists, their families and communities for more than thirty years. By creating a marketplace for their work he has enabled many of these subsistence farmers in a remote area of the world to spend some of their time creating art.  In so doing he has made their unique vision accessible to an international audience.


We deeply appreciate the contributions of:
Jean Molesky-Poz   Consultant    
Author of Contemporary Maya Spirituality: The Ancient Ways Are Not Lost, University of Texas, Austin, 2006.
Paul Moran      Web Designer and Programmer

Bring this exhibition to your community!

Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth is available for exhibition, without fee to educational and community organizations.  Please contact Rita Moran directly for more information:


All works are copyright © 1990-2020 by their respective collections.  All rights reserved.
Arte Maya Tz'utuhil Collection
González Chavajay, Pedro Rafaél
Acción de gracia
Diosa del maíz / Nawal Ixim
Lluvias de gracia
Nicho Cúmez, Paula
Luna plateada dorada
Más allá del universo
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection
González Chavajay, Pedro Rafaél
Hombres de maíz
Nuestro patrimonio cultural
Nicho Cúmez, Paula
Nuestra Madre Tierra
Puzul de González, Vicenta
Clamando por la limpieza del lago


Molesky-Poz, Jean, Contemporary Maya Spirituality: The Ancient Ways Are Not Lost, University of Texas Press, Austin, 2006.

Aguirre, Gerardo G. La cruz de Nimajuyú: Historia de la Parroquía de San Pedro la Laguna. Guatemala City. Quoted in Orellana, Sandra. 1984 The Tz’utuhil Maya, Continuity and Change, 1250–1630. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK.

Asturias de Barrios, Linda. 1985. “Los pintores populares y su traje.” In Comalapa: El traje y su Significado. Ediciones del Museo Ixchel, Guatemala.

Carlsen, Robert S. 1997. The War for the Heart & Soul of a Highland Maya Town. Austin TX: University of Texas Press.

Cofiño de Prera, Lucrecia. 1991. Andrés Curruchich. Second in the series Exposiciones-Homenaje “Maestros de la Plástica Guatemalateca.” Guatemala: Fundación Paíz.

Carmack, Robert M. 1981. The Quiché Mayas of Utatlán, The Evolution of a HIghland Guatemala Kingdom. Norman, Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma Press.

Dary, Claudia. 1998. “La Pintura Tz’utujil Contemporánea en Santiago Atitlán, San Pedro la Laguna y San Juan La Laguna.” In Arte Naïf Guatemala. Guatemala: UNESCO.

Diamond, Jared. 1997. Guns, Germs, and Steel, the Fates of Human Societies. New York, W.W. Norton Co.

Dieterich, Mary, Margaret Archuleta & others. 1997. Mayan Life: Source and Symbol, The Paintings of Nicholas Reanda, Exhibition catalogue. Phoenix AZ: The Heard Museum.

Escobedo Mendoza, Juan Carlos. 2002. “Carlos Merida”.

Fox, Jeffery J.; Margot Blum Schevill, Linda Asturias de Barrios. 1997. The Maya Textile Tradition. New York, Harry Abrams.

Friedel, David A., Linda Schele, and Joy Parker. 1993. Maya Cosmos: Three thousand years on the Shaman’s Path. New York: w. Morrow.

Gomez Davis, Alfredo. 1988a. Rafael González y González, iniciador de la escuela de pintura popular Tz’utuhil de San Pedro la Laguna. Organizacíon Paiz, Guatemala.

———. Alfredo. 1988b. Breves consideraciones sobre la escuela de pintura Tz’utuhil. Organizcíon Paiz, Guatemala.

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Merida, Carlos. 1976. Interview by Nita M. Renfrew. A Salute to Carlos Merida. Exhibition catalogue. University Art Museum, University of Texas. Austin TX.

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Miller, Mary, Kathleen Berrin, and Simon Martin. 2004. Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya. Thames & Hudson, New York.

Molesky Poz, Jean. 2006. Contemporary Maya Spirituality, the Ancient Ways are Not Lost. University of Texas Press. Austin, TX.

Orellana, Sandra. 1984 The Tz’utuhil Maya, Continuity and Change, 1250–1630. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK.

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———. 1996. “Fifty Years of Change in San Pedro la Laguna.” (Paper presented on a panel at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, November 1996).

Paul, Benjamin D. and William Demarest. 1988. “Operation of a Death Squad in San Pedro la Laguna,” in Harvest of Violence, the Maya Indians and Guatemala in Crisis. Ed. Robert Carmack. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.

Paul, Benjamin D. and Joseph Johnston. 1998. “Arte Étnico: Origenes y desarrollo de la pintura al óleo de los artistas mayas de San Pedro la Laguna, Guatemala” in Mesoamerica, Año 19, número 36. South Woodstock, VT: Plumstock Mesoamerican Studies.

Pieper, Jim. 2002. Guatemala’s Folk Saints. Los Angeles, Pieper and Associates, Inc.

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Maya Woman

The Helen Moran Collection

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